12am is the traditional ‘witching hour’ when ghosts, demons and spirits take over our
streets, haunt our houses and nibble on our toes as we sleep!
Of course, I don’t believe that it's as fairytale-esque as our
imaginations would let us believe.
You can see it now, ghosts and monsters off all shapes and sizes, lined up outside a door, the florescent lit waiting
room filled with bored ghouls flicking through magazines and hobgoblins slumped on the floor staring off into the
distance. Suddenly, a muffled tanoy announcment crackles through the hall:
‘krrsssk "Door to earth opening in 1 minute, please collect all your
belongings. Be reminded that we close at 4am and will not open until 12am the
following night. Have a nice night.” krssssk’
Everybody starts standing up, patting down their clothes and polishing their teeth as one by one
they dissapear through a portal now visible through the open door, popping out in the streets
and bedrooms of our world.
.......At least, hope that's not the case!
Jokes aside, for me there is a very definite ‘thinning of the veil’ feeling around 2am, peeking at 3 and then tailing off by 4am. A really perfect time to practise witchcraft and related subjects!
I often have spiritual experiances around this time, so there must be something going on!
I guess that once, The Witching Hour did begin at 12am as the tradition tells. I suspect that ‘the other side’ were able to filter through a lot easier without all the modern vibrational chaos that we create with electricity and such. As a society we also went to bed a lot earlier, the streets were quieter earlier, our minds switched off earlier... we were not as stimulated with the computer games, tv and sugary drinks that we have today. Our bodies and minds were able to atune to energies without so much effort.
So in turn, people often got the heeby jeebies earlier on at
I certainly feel a greater psyhic awareness a few hours after midnight; I regularly experience clairvoyant happenings around this time,
hearing as if somebody was talking directly into my head. I even once had a
mild channelling of what I think was my grandad (whom I’ve never met) ... that
unnerved me greatly and isn't something I’d like to repeat until I understand it a little better, but
again, happening all around 3am.
Awareness of my Astral body is quite prominant too, I can feel the energy
of it, like static, attached to me but made of a completely different material.
They also say that 3am is a common time for people to die (if they are meant
to, of course - don't start freaking out if you wake up then!)
I was with my lovely Nan when she passed away in hospital, the time was 3am when she
suddenly woke up after spending days sleeping, she said her loving goodbyes and
then passed at 3.30am.
It was a comfort to actually feel the air
change in the room, it was thick with a fuzzing energy, like somebody has just
opened a door for her, let in some ‘other worldly breeze’ and she went straight
on through, closing the door behind her. I felt certain at that point, that we
do go on, that there is another world and it doesn't all end with this one.
On a magic working level, it's a great time to add extra focus and energy to a spell when you have a touch of doubt on it's ability to succeed. Everything feels that much more powerful and connected.
Also attempting Astral Projection at this time works well for me.
(I actually want to go into astral projection and how to do it in a future post, it’s
a skill that I believe everybody should master and is essential to
understanding our true forms away from our earthly bodies)
It’s as if there is a shift during The Witching Hour(s), and everything merges ever so slightly together, making the vibration
of this word more closely matched to the vibration of the
other world.
So, my fellow Witches - take advantages of the raised power and set your alarm tonight, even if you don't work a spell, purely cast a circle and meditate in there for 30 minutes and see if you can see the difference too. It's also great to get you more in tune with the surrounding energies if you've not done anything witchy for a while, or you've just moved house.
Now, I quickly just want to talk about the Faeries! I was hoping somebody could impart their wisdom to me concerning this...
I've invoked the energy of nature spirits plenty of times in spell work, but never have I seen a physical manifestation of them.
Something tells me what I'm seeing aren't nature spirits as such.... but they have a very Fae like vibe about them....
They start appearing
around 1am. My house-mate and I call them the night faeries (how creative..!)
They look like small, flying shadows but they don’t feel ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ but then they don't feel good either... they seem to be just a neutral energy. We
figure that perhaps our human brains just can’t perseve the actual colouring of
Normally they are only seen coming in and out of the fireplace (no..they are not soot!) and in the living room where the fireplace is, but they sometimes
venture out into the rest of the house, I often get glimpses of them in my bedroom.

I’d really like to know how to communicate with them but I’m not sure how.
I know that when we start talking about them their attention does turn to us –
their behaviour stops being so business like and becomes more playful...
They don't stop still long enough to actually see, it's more a fleeting flash out the corner of your eyes but sometimes you can focus on them straight on for a second or two.
My house mate and I often see them at the same time, so we know it’s not our
eyes playing tricks (and we don’t do drugs!)
Please suggest something in the comment box below if you have any ideas on
what they could be or if you can suggest a way to communicate with them. We’d
quite like to know what they are up to!
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