Tuesday, 10 April 2012

It's what's inside that counts!

I wanted my first proper post to be a meaningful one, so I'm going to say a little bit about Spells and why they don't always work (and how to change that!)

It's very easy to cast a spell, it can be a pain, gathering all the items, making sure you are doing it on the correct day or on the correct moon phase but I think it's easy to not pay attention to the most potent of ingredients.... your will.

When I first started on my path, I did everything by the book, down to the last letter. I think that's quite normal, you don't know what you're doing! So you follow the instructions. Like with everything, once you've got the basics you can start to relax, add your own style to the matter at hand. But back then, I was on the instructions and something wasn't right. Spells were either not working at all, or half-heartedly. 
I realised what I was missing......
With all the rigidness of following the instructions, I hadn't left any room to believe in my spells.

I realised that no matter how many ingredients I had, it is what's inside that counts!  that is the only thing that will give your spell that punch. 

Let's say, for examples sake that you are going to cast a 'Find True Love' spell. 

You've gone out of the city to a little dimly lit shop that's hidden in a narrow alley way, where you've brought some exotic sounding incense and several pouches of various dried herbs. You've waited until a Friday of a waxing moon and you're surrounded by flickering pink candles which you've engraved with romantic symbols. You have the list of your 'perfect partner' qualities set out in front of you and you're chanting some come hither words whilst  passing a piece of rose quartz through the flame. You finish up, putting the rose quartz in your coat pocket to carry with you until your spell brings you your love.
You SO want this spell to succeed. You did everything that the spell called for. What can go wrong!?

But all through out that spell, in the of your stomach, perhaps completely unconsciously, you're really feeling "this isn't going to work. I'm still going to be over weight/ugly/too old/too young/poor/unlucky. This magic stuff is for kids, disney and old women with too many cats.....etc etc"
Nooo!! You've worked so hard to get all the right spell ingredients and you're flumping on the MAIN one! Your Intent, your Will, your 'Jedi force'! It's like you've just made a beautiful, rich chocolate cake but used salt in the recipe where it calls for sugar. Blugh, The whole thing is ruined!

It's all about how you feel! That is what will be the deciding factor as to whether or not your spell will work. This is why visualisation is such a huge part of spell casting. When visualising, you're aligning yourself to that which you are wanting to bring forth into your life. You're able to feel what it would be like to have what you want, because you're playing it over and over in your mind - therefore, your feeling is believing, which makes your energy align and then boom - it's yours!

Now, there are very good reasons for using specific herbs and colours etc (it's to do with vibrational frequencies...we'll look into this a little deeper in a future post) but for now, realise that it's creating the magical atmosphere which is so important because it focuses your intent -  and that's the key, we need a magical atmosphere to create that feeling in our stomach, the one that unleashes YOUR magic, not the herbs magic, or the candles, or the crystals, YOUR magic.

It doesn't matter that you can't afford/haven't got the space for/your parents don't want you to surround yourself with Witchcraft paraphernalia. Your magic is inside you! That's all you need. Self belief, knowing that you are a wonderful energy being that just happens to be residing inside a fleshy carcass (yum) for the time being,
to quote Albert Einstein..."Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”  

Everything is energy, energy cannot die, it can only change form. Working a spell is changing an energy's form. shifting it, moving it, shaping it. 

You have to believe that it will work, it WILL work, or else...well...it wont!

So practise visualising. It's you're most powerful tool (which is also free and you can do it any time, any where, without anyone knowing)
Really get in there and experience what you're visualising or 'day dreaming' about. Don't let any negative things play out though, this is all about living your desire.

So if it's a car that you want to own, feel the cool, smooth steering wheel in your hands,  how the leather of the seat creaks slightly when you shift your weight, the smell of the new carpets, the smooth engine purring as you take it off your drive and down the road. The heads that turn to look at your smug face as you drive past!
If it's a job you want to have, imagine yourself in a smart outfit that makes you feel really confidant (or in the 
uniform that they wear), see yourself doing the job, smiling, being surrounded by friendly co-workers, being praised by your boss. If you've seen the inside of where you will be working, really work hard on picturing yourself in there, going about day to day tasks.

Just what ever it is, play out what you want like you're watching a movie and you're the main character. Do this every chance you have, but never end the day dream with a bitter sweet sigh "ah well, it's fun to imagine"  That's not going to help! you need to end the day dream with a "Ah ha! Yes, I can't wait for that to materialise in my life!" really KNOW that it will, it has to!

I would just like to add, because it's so important...
Don't let your perception of reality hinder your life... We are all (mostly) raised to believe that magic isn't real. That it's just for small children and fairy tales. 
If you need 'scientific evidence'  then, well in truth, you're not going to get it, not yet anyway... Quantum Physics is as close to magic as science has gotten so far so have a research if you think it'll help you believe.

Just know that there is so much more to this world than we realise.
If you remember that everything is merely energy, in different forms, different densities then this whole magic idea is a lot easier to understand and to take part in ;)