Of my non-witchy friends, It fascinates me how many people laugh and joke it off, which is fine - it is a pretty wacky subject for those who aren't used to the idea to get their head around, but then they wont even try! They think it's too silly to even bother doing. Either that or they are too scared... and then I think - but you don't believe in it so why would you be scared?
I always try to encourage others to have a go - everybody can do it and seeing is believing, as they say!
I'm quite lucky because it's never been too much of an effort for me to project. I think this has a lot to do with me being quite a calm person, I can meditate easily for this reason too.
I used to experience it as a child but I didn't know what it was. It was only when we got the internet and a computer in the house that I really delved into the subject and understood what it was.
If I'm honest, I haven't as yet consciously Astral Travelled for any reasons other than exploring the realms and having fun!
Now, this isn't a bad thing per se...there is nothing wrong with getting used to this 'new world' by testing out how things work, who's out there, who you can communicate to and just getting the general feeling of being without your physical body. I mean, I could spend the entire time just flying around in mid air, it feels so fantastic. But in truth, it's a waste. There are high vibrational energy beings for you to meet and to help you in your spiritual journey. You can meet spirit guides, angels, power animals. You can work spells and plant 'law of attraction' seeds and wait for them to grow out from the astral world and your physical one.
The reason I've kept it 'just for fun' is because unfortunately, even though I find it easy to 'get out', my time actually exploring is very short. After a while I either get too excited or something makes me scared and I fall back into my body. This is something I'm really going focus on changing from now on because I don't want to waste such good opportunities.
So basically, when you do this have fun by all means but don't forget the higher purpose of the whole experience.
Now, this isn't a bad thing per se...there is nothing wrong with getting used to this 'new world' by testing out how things work, who's out there, who you can communicate to and just getting the general feeling of being without your physical body. I mean, I could spend the entire time just flying around in mid air, it feels so fantastic. But in truth, it's a waste. There are high vibrational energy beings for you to meet and to help you in your spiritual journey. You can meet spirit guides, angels, power animals. You can work spells and plant 'law of attraction' seeds and wait for them to grow out from the astral world and your physical one.
The reason I've kept it 'just for fun' is because unfortunately, even though I find it easy to 'get out', my time actually exploring is very short. After a while I either get too excited or something makes me scared and I fall back into my body. This is something I'm really going focus on changing from now on because I don't want to waste such good opportunities.
So basically, when you do this have fun by all means but don't forget the higher purpose of the whole experience.
Here's my How To guide but please read on afterwards for extra tips and advice. This is how it works for me, everybody is different and once you've got the basics you can relax a little more and try out different techniques.
- What you have do to, is lay down flat on your back, it's best to do it in bed, no covers on top ( at least at first, until you are used to doing it, you could use a very light sheet if you need to feel more secure) but make sure you're not cold, you need to feel cosy and be able to fall asleep.
- Take a really good look at your ceiling, study every little detail for a few minutes, the colour, the texture - your going to need this image later on.
- Keep your eyes closed from now on and your arms and legs straight down.
- A lot of people say not to do it at your usual bed time but for me, I find it easier to because my body is already part way relaxed, it's not too much of a strain to get your body to fall asleep.
*the key it to keep you mind conscious while just your body falls asleep*
- Lay like that for a while and just relax, if your not quite sleepy enough, have a day dream about your day or visualise something nice, like sitting on the beach or in a beautiful woodland until you feel zoned out enough.
- When you start to feel like you're relaxed, clear you mind as much as you can, it helps to focus on your breathing which should be slow and heavy, don't let yourself think of anything other than breathing. Do that for as long as it takes to feel totally relaxed.
- By this point, you should be really sleepy, but try not to fall asleep!! You can now start the process of coming out of your body. Don't get frustrated by how long it can take. I can sometimes be out within minutes, other times it takes hours.
- Imagine yourself floating up towards your ceiling, really picture it, find the image you stored in your memory a litle while ago. Visualise yourself slowly floating up, seeing the ceiling getting a tiny bit closer to your face every minute. Imagine how light you feel! floaty and made of energy. Just 'pretend' for a while, pretend your all ghosty and as light as air as you very slowly float upwards.
- Make that how process last for as long as it takes for you to feel fuzzy sensations in your body. This could take a long time or a short time, just *dont give up!!*
- Everyone experiences something different at this point, the main ones I feel are buzzy feelings, vibrations or slow turning that gradually get into a spinning sensation. If you carry on visualising yourself getting closer to the ceiling you will soon feel those tingling sensations in your body strengthen and become really noticeable.
- Then you will either feel like you are shooting upwards (or downwards, either is fine) very fast. You may hear clicking and popping noises and maybe even see colours around you. Sometimes I can hear scary noises, like scary cats screeching or malicious laughing - you have to do what you can to *Stay calm* because once you start to get too scared or excited, you will find yourself back to square one.
- When you are having the 'zooming' sensation and the tingling sensation, you don't usually have to do anything else - you're being taken up and out of your body and soon you will awake in the astral realm
- When I'm in the zooming part, I repeat a protection chant - this particular one is something I learnt on an online Astral Projection course that used to be free many years ago and it has always been successful when I have used it. You should learn this - or another of your choosing - off by heart so that you can repeat if from memory when you're in the astral to repel negative being or energies. If you google 'Bellilin Chant' you should be able to find some sound clips on youtube so that you can hear how it should be said.
Bellilin, Bellilin, Bellilin!
Amphora of Salvation
I would like to be next to you
Materialism has no strength next to me!
Bellilin, Bellilin, Bellilin!
And that's it!! Hopefully that will have gotten you out....
A few extra tips:
- If you ever want to return to your body, for whatever reason, whether you've encountered a negative being or your scared or you've had enough... just repeat "I am back in my body, I am back in my body, I am back in my body" over and over until you are. This is sort of an emergency landing and it's not too pleasant because everything happens very fast, and most often than not you will experience sleep paralysis at the other end (where you are aware that your back in your body, but you cant move your body or open your eyes or speak) It'll only last a few moments though so just *stay calm*.
- Sometimes, when I am in the getting out part of astral projection, the bit there you are imagining yourself floating towards the ceiling I physically move my eyes to they are crossed *never open your physical eyes though* just go cross eyed, as if you were looking towards your 3rd eye. I find it helps! *Practise now, just to see how it feels - close your eyes right now and cross your eyes gently, bringing them up to look at your third eye in the middle of your forehead, do that for a moment and see what it feels like, for me its like I can automatically feel my astral body, so its easier for me to separate it from my physical body*
I have encountered many negative entities in the Astral and it's not a pleasant experience so make sure you're prepared with protection chants and that you asked for protection before you begin.
I really recommend reading 'Astral Dynamics' by Robert Bruce... I can't express how helpful it has been to me when I was learning but also helps when you've become a bit more advanced. I've read loads of other astral projection books and haven't yet found anything as in depth as this one.
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